Luise-Büchner-Schule Gymnasium | Jahnstraße 35, 64521 Groß-Gerau 06152 93360

    HP2018 Lesescouts in DarmstadtDie Lesescouts mit Autorin Henriette WichK.O.C.H. ! Nein, gemeint ist diesmal nicht der Name unserer Direktorin, sondern es handelt sich um die Anfangsbuchstaben der Lösungswörter des Quiz`, das Henriette Wich auf dem diesjährigen Kinder- und Jugendliteraturfestival in der Stadtbücherei in Darmstadt ihren Zuhörern nach ihrer Lesung zu ihrem neuen Buch „Das Krimi-Dinner“ aus der Buchreihe „Die drei !!!“ am Ende stellte.

    UK 2018 Rocky beachUK 2018 Rocky beachOur journey to England started on Saturday morning, April 21st, with a 16 hours bus ride. The first obstacle we had to overcome faced us when the bus arrived two hours later because of an exploded tire. After that we finally managed to leave and begin our trip full of excitement and expectations.

    Around 8pm we eventually arrived in Bournemouth, ready to meet our host families. Everyone got picked up by their host families and after we had got to meet the rest of the family and had had a little snack we fell extremely tired into bed.

    On Sunday we did a bus tour with an English guide who told us legends and pretty funny stories about the English culture and history. We visited the filming location of the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” which was very exciting even if the view was not that great because of the fog. We really got to experience English weather because it changed within minutes. One minute the sun was shining and the other it started to rain heavily.